5 Most Mysterious & HIGHLY Forbidden Places On The Planet

Posted By on August 28, 2016

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Source Video: 5 Most Mysterious & HIGHLY Forbidden Places On The Planet

[caption id="attachment_240" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Source: https://youtu.be/mAHqdQ41lMY Source: https://youtu.be/mAHqdQ41lMY[/caption]

We all live in a relatively free world.  We can travel to different places and explore the wonders this planet has to offer.

[caption id="attachment_241" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Source: https://youtu.be/mAHqdQ41lMY Source: https://youtu.be/mAHqdQ41lMY[/caption]

But there are some places are so mysterious and secretive that they are completely off-limits to the public.

Well here are five places on earth that are not only off-limits to almost everybody they are also shrouded in mystery and unexplained activity.

[caption id="attachment_242" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Source: https://youtu.be/mAHqdQ41lMY Source: https://youtu.be/mAHqdQ41lMY[/caption]

And these are just a handful of the ones we are aware of because I’ve no doubt the most top secret places are so forbidden none of us even know their existence.


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